Creating new opportunities and events

Reviewing what we do

In terms of moving forward our starting point has been revisiting 1992 and looking at the vision of the founding members and their aim to create accessible opportunities (in collaboration with the Whitechapel Gallery) for local artists to exhibit their work to the public. We have a very successful annual summer open studios event and this will still be the focus of the year.  However, it is clear that not everyone has a space to show work in the catchment area (although we aim to facilitate shared spaces where possible) so this can be a limiting factor for some and perhaps the Christmas Fair (although a well attended, enjoyable and busy community event) is not the right venue for many people's work. Therefore, we would like to ensure events are well publicised, work is shown in appropriate venues in order to present it as well as possible, and that we target the right audiences for artists. 

New exhibiting options

We have therefore found a selection of local spaces which we have been able to book for some small trial exhibitions throughout the year.  If successful these could be developed into a coherent programme of art events.  The idea is to curate a series of exhibitions linking artists either by topic or media, for example, environment, political issues, local concerns, abstract art, botanical/landscapes, installations, digital art, watercolours - the possibilities are infinite and very exciting! We will be emailing everyone in the next month or two to share some of these trial opportunities so start looking out for some open calls soon. We have also made some connections with local galleries and hope to develop proposals for group exhibitions in a professional gallery setting.Through a well designed programme like this over three years we could be more inclusive, provide some good quality events for both artists and visitors, and enrich the cultural offering we currently have in place. 


Brockley Open Studios rebranded the website about 5 years ago. We are reviewing our electronic platforms and will work on the website to ensure the home page features artists work more prominently, highlights different artists throughout the year and rethink how we present things on our Instagram account.  Interviews with artists about their inspiration, working methods and practice would also be a great way to promote work.  For the summer event we plan to refresh the map so that it includes a bit more about the artists - perhaps enlarging it while still keeping it a handy fold up document. Where and how we publicise the events is up for discussion. We also think it is critical that we consider how we can re-establish links with local arts education institutions so newly qualified artists and curators, and those still studying, are more aware of what we can offer. This could really help us encourage new joiners and enrich our pool and range of local artists. 

Strategy and programme - and growing the team...

All of this would ideally distill into a short strategy (including communications) and programme of events for the next three years.  Keeping our offering local and inclusive will remain core to what we do. To realise some of these new events we will need fresh expertise and skills in the team - things like curating, writing features on artists, photographing work for the website, speaking to local venues and building relationships with their teams, looking at sponsorship, as well as the administration of the events and applications for events are all discrete things we would love to have more help with.  These activities are also great experience for those building CVs in the arts, opportunities to learn new things, plus have many social, community and of course networking benefits. Do get involved!

Let us know what you think - and if you would like to join the team on 1 February just pop us an email. We will publish venue details in due course. We are really excited about our plans and hope we can create some great art opportunities for you and with you...

Brockley Open Studio